Appplications of data assimilation in oceanography, meteorology, hydrology, seismology, reservoir engineering and/or
Open and FAIR science, open interfaces
Study Goals 1. To explain the Bayesian principles of data assimilation
2. To relate selected data assimilation methods to these principles (Strong-constraint
4Dvar/Weak-constraint 4Dvar/EnRML, ESMDA/EnKF/Particle Filter)
3. To evaluate existing data-assimilation methods and select the most appropriate method for
a given data-assimilation problem
4. To design a data-assimilation workflow that connects a selected model of a particular
earth system (oceanographic, meteorologic, hydrologic, reservoir engineering, seismology,
geotechnical) to a data assimilation method, or of another estimation problem (traffic,
medical sciences, finance)
5. To apply open interfaces
6. To apply a data-assimilation method to a proposed data-assimilation problem